
Azienda ospedaliero-universitaria "Policlinico G.Rodolico - San Marco"

Via C. A. Ciampi, Catania

095 4794436


U.O. per la Qualità

e Rischio Clinico 



dal 19 febbraio 2018

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con il patrocinio del Ministero della Salute



The official languages of the congress are Italian and English

Available simultaneous translation


It has long been recognized that some widely used exams, as well as various surgical, pharmacological and healthcare treatments, do not benefit patients and may in fact do harm. 

Requesting the AST, LDH, total CK, CK-MB or myoglobin for the diagnosis of an acute myocardial infarction; requesting the determination of markers for the diagnosis of neoplastic diseases in asymptomatic subjects; requesting routine pre-operative lab tests in low-risk patients of ASA classes 1-2 for minor and intermediate surgery; performing pre-operative chest scans in the absence of symptoms and clinical evidence of disorders capable of influencing surgery success; routinely performing skull x-rays after mild brain trauma; using bladder catheterization in the absence of specific evidence; using bladder training before removing a urinary catheter; dressing a surgical wound in the first 48 hours after surgery when there are no complications; replacing the mechanical ventilation circuits at regular intervals to reduce the risk of VAP; routinely using personal protective equipment to allow family members access into intensive therapy departments. These are just a few examples from a long list of diagnostic, therapeutic, and healthcare services that are not supported by evidence, yet continue to be prescribed and performed.

These exams and treatments represent a real, genuine waste of resources and a potential harm to patients. 

This happens for many reasons: out of habit; to satisfy pressing demands by patients; for fear of medical and legal complications; because explaining to the patient that such procedures are not necessary requires more time; due to economic interests; because in healthcare organisations the quantity of services is rewarded over quality and appropriateness; to demonstrate an extensive scientific knowledge to the patient; or to blindly apply the concept of “doing everything possible”.

In 2011, the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) estimated that in our country there are 22.4 MRIs and 31.6 CAT scans performed per one million inhabitants, both much higher than the OECD average (12.5 and 22.6, respectively).
A 2011 study carried out in an Italian hospital showed that only 56% of outpatient radiological services were appropriate. This means that 44% of these could have been avoided without having caused any harm to the patient.
The per capita consumption of antibiotics in Italy is among the highest in the OECD countries, though there are some differences among the Italian regions.

To start addressing these issues, in December 2012 Slow Medicine launched the project “DOING MORE DOES NOT MEAN DOING BETTER” (similar to the “CHOOSING WISELY” project already in place in the United States), joined by professional associations and numerous Italian scientific associations.

The Italian project is integrated into the Choosing Wisely International movement, which includes 25 countries on 5 continents, and has taken the name “Doing more does not mean doing better – Choosing Wisely Italy”.
The conference on May 7 and 8, 2020, also during the Year of the Nurse and the Midwife, has the purpose of encouraging reflection in our region about the current practice of healthcare professions and the future, increasingly affected by both limited resources and an increasing need for healthcare assistance.

The goal is to spread a new culture of quality healthcare services, in the interests of citizens and their health. Leading international and national experts will be present to illustrate methodologies, tools and ideas for a safer and more efficient approach to healthcare services. 


May 7

1:30-2:30 pm

Welcome coffee and participant registration


2:30-2:45 pm




2:45-3:00 pm

A. Bonaldi




3:00-3:45 pm

S. Pogliese, R. Razza, C. Spica, V. Torrisi,  G. Bonaccorsi, M. Lanza, F. De Nicola, S. Giuffrida, A. Lazzara 

Welcome remarks



Choosing Wisely: doing more does not mean doing better



A.M. Longhitano

B. Ragonese


4:00-4:30 pm

Daniel Wolfson

Choosing Wisely USA


4:30-5:00 pm

Wendy Levinson

Choosing Wisely Canada and International


5:00-5:30 pm

S. Vernero

Choosing Wisely Italy: achievements, strengths and upcoming challenges


5:30-6:00 pm

L. Gabutti

The Choosing Wisely project in the EOC (Cantonal Hospital Institution): development and results


May 8




Health professionals and citizens together for better healthcare



A. Colombo

E. Fisicaro


9:00-9:30 am

P. Lachman

The partnership possible between health professionals, patients and citizens


9:30-10:00 am

F. Braga

Alliance with citizens in Choosing Wisely Italy


10:00-10:30 am

Trudy van der Weijden

Patient Decision Aids




11:00-11:30 am

Coffee break



Choosing Wisely and training



A. Cappellani

D. Wolfson


11:30 am-12:00 pm

W. Levinson

Medical training and Choosing Wisely: the Canadian experience


12:00-12:20 pm

M. Francaviglia and the SISM working group

In collaboration with the National Conference of the Italian Secretariat of Medical Students

Recommendations by the Italian Secretariat of Medical Students


12:20-12:40 pm

M. Claus

Choosing Wisely and training specialists


12:40-1:00 pm

D. Colimberti

Choosing Wisely and training of senior personnel: the Executive Master’s program in the region of Sicily



1:30-2:30 pm

Light lunch






P. Vasta

C. Spica


2:30-2:50 pm

A. Agodi

Recommendations by the ANMDO- SITI (The Italian Association of Doctors of the Hospital Directions - Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health) and their evaluation in the hospitals

Hand hygiene, perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis, flow of people and equipment in the operating room and communication regarding hospital discharge and transfer



R. Cunsolo


3:10-3:30 pm

B. Cavaliere

Recommendations by the FNOPI (National Federation of Nursing Profession Orders), ANIPIO (National Association of Nurses for the Prevention of Hospital Infections) and ANIARTI (Italian Association of Critical Care Nurses)

Bladder catheterization, preparing the patient for surgical procedure and access to the intensive care unit by family members.



G. Scaravilli


3:50-4:10 pm

M.  Lucchese

Recommendations by the SIPMeL (Italian Society of Clinical Pathology and Laboratory Medicine)

Laboratory investigations for pre-operative evaluation of low-risk patients, markers of acute myocardial infarction, neoplastic markers



P. Noto

Moderators and Speakers

Antonella Agodi

Professor of Hygiene and Public Health

Director of the “GF Ingrassia” Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences and Advanced Technologies  

University of Catania


Alessandro Cappellani

Professor of General Surgery

Director of the Department of General Surgery and Medical Surgical Specialties

University of Catania


Rosario Cunsolo

Medical Director of the San Marco Hospital of Catania

Scientific Secretary for the National Association of Hospital Medical Directors – Sicily


Franca Braga

Head of the Altroconsumo Centre for Health and Nutrition, Milano


Bruno Cavaliere

Head of the Health Professions – IRCCS San Martino Policlinic Teaching Hospital, Genoa

President of the Italian Committee of Nursing Directors


Domenico Colimberti

Scientific Director of the Executive Master in Slow Medicine, Palermo


Mirko Claus

National President of Federspecializzandi, Padua


Anna Colombo

Head of the UOS Risk Management Operating Unit, ARNAS Garibaldi, Catania


Emilia Fisicaro

Head of UOS Quality and Clinical Risk Management, ASP Catania


Martina Francaviglia

National Public Health Officer of the Italian Secretariat of Medical Students, Catania


Luca Gabutti

Medical Director, Department of Internal Medicine, Cantonal Hospital Institution, Ticino, Switzerland

Professor of Internal Medicine and Nephrology, University of Italian Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland


Wendy Levinson

Professor of Medicine, University of Toronto

Chair of Choosing Wisely Canada and of Choosing Wisely International


Peter Lachman

CEO of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, Dublin


Mariano Lucchese

Medical Laboratory Director at the S. Antonio Abate Hospital, Trapani


Anna Maria Longhitano

Head of the Clinical Risk Medical Operating Unit at the Cannizzaro Hospital


Barbara Ragonese

Director of Quality and Patient Safety-Risk Manager- Six Sigma Black Belt, UPMC Italy


Carmelo Spica

President of the Order of Nurse Professionals in the Province of Catania


Gabriella Scaravilli

Nurse Coordinator of the Stroke Unit, Cannizzaro Hospital, Catania


Paola Noto

Physician of MCAU (Emergency Medicine and Surgery), Catania University Hospital


Pieremilio Vasta

President of the Advisory Board of the Catania University Hospital


Sandra Vernero

Vice President of Slow Medicine Italy. Coordinator of Choosing Wisely Italy


Daniel Wolfson

Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the ABIM Foundation


Trudy van der Weijden

Professor in Implementation of Clinical Practice Guidelines

School CAPHRI, Department of Family Medicine at Maastricht University, the Netherlands

2nd international meeting

1th international meeting

3rd international meeting


5th international meeting

4th international meeting



Francesco Basile


Antonio Bonaldi

Diana Cinà

Domenico Colimberti

Rosario Cunsolo

Sebastiano Ferlito

Giuseppe Giammanco

Giuseppe Liberti

Anna R. Mattaliano

Walter Mazzucco

Giuseppe Murolo

Antonino Rapidarda

Nuccio Sciacca

Carmelo Spica

Sandra Vernero


Epifania Giusa, Gabriella Patanè,

Maria Rosa Zinna​



Responsabile: Angelo Gambera

Rosaria Di Stefano, Maria Grasso, Michela Messina, Federica Nicolosi, Paola Ragusa, Cristina Ruggieri, Alma Scalia, Anna Torrisi, Gianluca Vaccaro, Rosario Viglianesi 



Rosario Trovato, Rosario D’Amico,

Santo Di Dio, Cristoforo Finocchiaro,

Vito Freni 



Responsabile: Salvatore Favitta

Pina Catania, Agata Lanzafame,

Damiano Nicosia, Francesca Patanè



Antonino Drago, Rosario Raineri​



Maurizio Grasso, Monica Castro, Giusi Cavalli, Francesco D’Antoni, Mario Di Dio, Simona Di Virgilio, Giovanni Gullotta, Rina Musumeci, Salvatore Privitera, Vittoria Venuto, Orazio Vinciguerra, Maria Vassallo



Vincenzo Parrinello

Maria Anelli

Antonietta Campo

Anna Colombo

Carmela Conte

Antonio Di Maria

Emilia Fisicaro

Anna M. Longhitano

Tommaso Mannone

Giuseppe Saglimbeni

Salvatore Scarlata

Patrizia Settanni




Torre Biologica F. Latteri, via S. Sofia n. 89, Catania

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